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The voice that eats my dreams

Image via Wikipedia

Ok so the title is a little dramatic, but it was the first thing that came to mind.

I just got out of a good meeting with a friend where I realized that in probably 10 years of playing with business ideas, the most exciting ideas to me all have a common theme, obviously something I am passionate about.  So here again is this theme popping up as an opportunity, one that is front of me to go after, but it seems that voice, the one that “eats my dreams” is back. It has so eloquently told me all the reasons why going to work on this is a bad idea, why my life will be worse off for doing it, why I’ll feel terrible all the time, and I’ll lose the life I love just for trying it…not even getting into what it would be like if I fail (the voice has a lot of opinions there as well).  It’s really hard not to get pulled down by the voice, and honestly I have been so many times in the past.  It is different this time, if only because I at least have been able to separate reality from the voice. The voice isn’t based on any sort of truths or facts, it’s just talking out of fear.  It still makes me feel bad, but I feel better in knowing that is only one side of opinions on the situation, and I can choose to believe anything I want.  So, although hard, I’m going to choose to ignore “the voice,” as it’s only proven to be wrong.  Here goes…


3 comments on “The voice that eats my dreams

  1. tomtrebes says:

    The “gremlin”, “inner critic”, “the voice”…all the same, designed to keep us exactly where we are because “it” is afraid of our success. So, give “it” a name, draw a picture of “it”, go to; I applaud you for choosing to ignore “it” and pursuing your passion, you'll be happy you did, and so will the rest of us.


  2. tomtrebes says:

    The “gremlin”, “inner critic”, “the voice”…all the same, designed to keep us exactly where we are because “it” is afraid of our success. So, give “it” a name, draw a picture of “it”, go to; I applaud you for choosing to ignore “it” and pursuing your passion, you'll be happy you did, and so will the rest of us.


  3. lessons in failure | Life Putting - Dan Putt says:

    […] but more so of what others might think of me when things go wrong.  I do feel different now.  That’s not to say I’m not afraid to fail, I still feel that fear.  But I am no longer afraid to openly discuss my failures…in fact as […]


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